Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Annotated Bibliography #3

Vogler, Christopher. The Writers Journey. Third. CA: Michael Wiese Productions, 1998. Pgs. 49 -88




            In this section of The Writers Journey, Vogler discusses several Archetypes that influence the Hero on his journey. These archetypes are complex and diverse characters that hold many different functions within the journey. They all affect the hero in different ways but ultimately come together in order create the heroes character and define his task.

            The archetypes included the Threshold Guardian, the Herald, the Shapeshifter, the Shadow, the Ally and the Trickster whose qualities can be found among many different characters within the story and not just one distinct character throughout.

The Threshold Guardian is one who is suppose to test the hero on his journey however is not suppose to be overcome by him because he is more of a motivational figure rather than a villain. The Herald challenges the hero and is usually the one to persuade him to begin his journey and accomplish his mission. The Shapeshifter, who can be interpreted as numerous amounts of characters, often involves someone who the hero has mixed feelings about throughout the story (usually someone of the opposite sex). The Shadow is someone who threatens the hero and acts as a threat or villain while the Ally is someone who is there to support the hero and assist him. Lastly the trickster is there to humor the audience and allow them to enjoy the journey in a more lighthearted way.



When reading about this separate Archetypes I thought about how these different types of characters are present in almost every story I’ve ever heard as well as written. They are so significant and important because their presence is what makes the story come alive. Weather they challenge the hero, help him, or try to stop him from achieving his goals these individuals are what creates the obstacles which creates the need for a change which creates a journey which creates a hero and his allies. The fact is that without these archetypes the story itself would cease to exist. Knowing more about these archetypes will surely help me understand the concept of hero and who needs to involved in his life in order to create a successful story.



  1. Do you think that all the Archetypes must be present in a story? Do you think that some can be combined with each other?
  2.  Who do you think are the archetypes in I Am Legend?
  3. Can you describe someone in your life that you consider to be a Shapeshifter besides someone of the opposite sex?




1 comment:

Gregory said...

I would say that my dog is a shapeshifter. She is very deceptive and can get what she wants by acting certain ways. If she has misbehaved she will act as cute as she can. If she wants you to play with her she will dance around with lots of energy. Sometimes she changes shape and color depending on her mood.