Thursday, December 4, 2008

Revised Four Modes

My visual and textual elements are all describing the struggles that college student have with the illicit use and abuse of prescription stimulants, primarily the prescription medication Adderall. Because of the pressure in our society for students to be over achievers in all aspects of their lives (both academically and socially), the use of these drugs is becoming increasingly tempting and more popular among students.



I included two pictures for my visual that are on my poster and in my power point. My first picture includes a pile of several different pills with a caption underneath stating “Medication – Sometimes the world just needs a break from the real you”. The concept of this photo is that medication is stripping us from our own individual self and turning us into what society thinks we should be.

This photo relates to the appeal of logos because you realize how overmedicated we are as a society and realize that these medications are taking away peoples individuality. It also deals with Ethos because ethically the over use of these medications in our society may go against many peoples values. We are so worried about being perfect that we will go to any resort to fix what we consider to be “flaws” by constantly taking medication to correct them even though these flaws may be typical human behavior.

            Another photo I used was a photo of a student studying, a book opened in front of him with a pile of pills pouring out on top of the text. This photo shows a situation that many college students endure. Sometimes when students have to study they are faced with the choice to take medication in order to keep them up and concentrate late into the night.

This shows the ethos appeal because you realize that students are so focused on being overachievers that they resort to taking pills in order to feel that they can succeed, although this is not at all the case. The fact is that taking these medications may be in fact harming them instead of helping them.


Book: Prozac Nation, Elizabeth Wurtzel

            The book I chose is called Prozac Nation by Elizabeth Wurtzel, the book is a memoir about what Elizabeth went through as a young a woman in college.

Elizabeth was a talented writer at Harvard University and dealt with these pressures by abusing drugs and alcohol. This book is a good depiction of what college students can go through if struggling with the pressures of school and life all together. Elizabeth tried to balance her schoolwork, her newspaper column, her family life, her love life and her partying life until finally breaking down and going into a depression where she began to depend completely on medication.

The book deals with Ethos appeal because the credibility is very apparent within this book. The book is written by Wurtzel herself and through her own experiences that we learn from as readers.



Movie: Prozac Nation (2001)

            Although reading the book can be very impacting, actually visualizing it is a great way to understand the character as well. The character Elizabeth is played by Christina Ricci whose pain you experience throughout this film.

One quote in particular that really struck me in this film was when Elizabeth was at the doctor’s office and stated, “I call this the crack house where I come to score, and Dr. Sterling is my dealer. Seems like everyone’s doctor is dealing this stuff now… sometimes it feels like we’re all living in a Prozac nation.”

This quotation expresses the fact of how easy it is to gain access to prescription drugs. The reference to the doctor being a “drug dealer” shows that people are using these medications not only for health reason but for recreational purposes as well.

Although the movie doesn’t deal exclusively with Adderall, it does deal with the issues of how stressful college life is for students and more importantly how overly medicated we are as a society. Although some people really do need it, it seems like these days anyone can get their hands on these medications.

This movie definitely has a pathos appeal to it because you feel for Elizabeth who seems to have it all until it all just comes crashing down. You see her achieve, you see her make mistakes, and you see her become dependent on drugs that are available to all of us.


Song: Amphetamine by Everclear

My other textual is the song Amphetamine by Everclear. This song describes the life of a girl who has changed so much because she is dependent on amphetamines (an ingredient in Adderall). The writer could tell she “used to be happy”, however now she is just a hollow shell of someone who used to be happy. Now she thinks she continue using in order to make her life better. This also will show how serious this epidemic is and how more awareness should be shed upon this issue.


“Yeah, you just take your pill

And everything will be all right

She looks like a teenage anthem

She looks like a magazine girl

She looks like a teenage anthem

Like she used to be happy in another world”


This song deals with pathos because the writer feels bad for this girl who once was happy but now must rely on a pill in order to make her feel like everything is okay.





1 comment:

Kathleen "Kat" Robinson-Malone said...


Fantastic revision on your modes. I can't wait to see this on your presentation tomorrow. I think you are really showing how these modes could be used to teach others about your topic.

Nice work, and take care,
